Musik & Sound Effekte
Musik: Titel Abspielen
Plays a music file. If you play a new song while another song is playing, the old song will stop automatically.
Musik: Titel Abspielen
My Track 1
- Song: The song to play.
Sound: Effekt abspielen
Play a sound effect, choose from playing a .WAV, .VGM, or .SAV (fxhammer) file from /assets/sounds
or a preset sound effect.
Sound: Effekt abspielen
Warten bis zum Ende
Effekt Index
- Sound-Effekte: The sound effect to play. Can choose from files within
or from preset sounds likeBeep
. - Priorität: The priority of the effect, high, medium or low. If two sound effects are playing at the same time then higher priority sound effects will take precedence.
- Tonhöhe: The pitch of the sound effect (Beep effect only).
- Frequenz in Hz: The frequency of the sound effect in hz (Tone effect only).
- Duration: The length of time to play the sound effect.
- Warten bis zum Ende: Set if script should pause until sound effect has finished playing.
- Effekt Index: The effect number to play (for fxhammer only).
Musik Routine setzen
Attach a script to one of the four music routines that can be triggered from a .uge file. In the music editor you are able to use the call routine effect in your songs to trigger these scripts in time to music.
Musik Routine setzen
On Call
On Call
- Routine: The music routine, either 0, 1, 2 or 3.
- On Call: The script to run when the routine is called.
Musik: Anhalten
Stops any currently playing music.
Musik: Anhalten
Stoppt die Musik, die zuvor abgespielt wurde.